With  the essential contribution coming from the Charity event organized on November the 16th at Forum Caffe’ in Omegna, we have been able to complete a new classroom for the Primary school in Buterere-Burundi. The building was already existing but needed to be refurbished and furnished in order to allow the start of  the third class. With the amount of  6.000 Euro from our side the Sorelle della Carita’ ( the sisters organization who manage the school) were able in very short time to set up the new class classroom and furnish it with desks and wathever was absolutely necessary. This result was possible thanks to all the people who worked in order to create the Charity event and the people and the people who attended it. Here below some images of the new classroom we received together with a gratitude message from the Sorelle della Carita’.

20160913_075204_resizedNuova aula Buterere 2Nuova aula Buterere 3