“Marta was the mother, the wife and the friend that each of us would have desired. She always had a smile on her face and a consoling word when one was needed. Marta was the embodiment of life lived to its fullest.”

Husband Fabio and son Kris

For those that knew Marta Magistrini, these words are irrelevant. They already know her character, her dreams, and what she did with her life. Through describing Marta, we hope to elucidate the reason why we started this organisation that was created in her memory. We intend to bring to life one of Marta’s most heartfelt dreams: to create a volunteer organisation that can provide support aimed at mostly girls and boys. Circumstances didn’t allow her to realise this goal, and then destiny determined that she wouldn’t have a chance to see her dream realised.

When Marta achieved a degree in Architecture in 1993 from the Politecnico in Milan, she started working for the Alessi company in Italy. She was a very smart and dynamic woman with a great sense of responsibility and who paid great attention to details on every project. She loved nice things, but her search for beauty was not limited solely to appearance. She also paid close attention to the actions and mindsets of people. She conducted her work with a significant amount of care and attention, combined with a curiosity for life and new challenges.

Her many voyages for both work and pleasure allowed Marta to experience a variety of situations and realities from which she could not be unmoved. This, in addition to her love of children, pushed Marta to take a break from work and spend a couple of months as a volunteer in an Ethiopian orphanage.

Perhaps due to her inability to have children herself, and her desire to help children after her experience in Ethiopia, Marta actively promoted the creation of an ABIO subsidiary in Verbania, Italy. ABIO is an Italian non-profit organisation focused on the support of children in local hospitals. Marta held the position of President in the ABIO – Verbania office for 7 years.

After these experiences, Marta’s life moved more and more towards social engagement with respect to children’s needs, a path that led her to resign from her job and attend a course for “atelierista” (developing creativity in children) at Reggio Children infancy foundation in Reggio Emilia, Italy.

Then she started working for the nursery school at the Giacomini company in san Maurizio d”Opaglio, Italy. At the same time, Marta started working for Centro Aiuti per l’Etiopia, a local non-profit organisation in Verbania, Italy. It is through this organisation that Marta adopted a son of 13 in 2013. This beautiful but difficult experience caused her to start thinking about creating an organisation to support adoptive child families. However, destiny did not allow her to do so.

Marta left us at the age of 45 on a Saturday morning, the 30th of April 2013, in a car accident while she was on her way to an ABIO volunteer meeting.

Now that Marta is no longer here, the people that knew her will do our best to continue what she wished for and loved to do; to provide help to people in need.