Autism is a form of growth disability that last for the whole life of the individual and affects the way he communicate and connect with the others. Autism is one of the more complex syndrome of the developing age as well as it is hardly manageable and in the most serious situations.
This syndrome come from biological factors that affect cerebral development during fetal phase or within the age of 3. In most of the cases the syndrome causes are unknown, while the known ones are mainly genetic based.
Very often autistic people need a lot of help and support for their daily life. Autistic children face severe difficulties on interacting, communicating and playing with the others. Verbal communication, when possible, is often inadequaute to the context with scarcity of communication gestures. Recreational activities are maily redundant type with little or no interaction with peers.
The natural trend of Autism symptoms isnot just to become permanent but also very variable.
As to date the root cause of autism are still unknown there are no clear therapy or medical treatments for it, the only activity proved to be effective is about educational programs.
A proper educational program during children growth age allow significant progress and improvement for the autistic individual. The educational program must start early in time and should involve child’s parents and relatives , as well as school and the world of adults.
Educational therapies are normally paid by the families, and for the need of experts or professionals and the frequency of the session the expense has relevant impact on family budget. Educational therapies do not bring to autism healing, still, if they are performed precociously and continuously they could significantly improve the chances for the child to live an autonomus and indipend life once he will be an adult, this is true at least for the less severe form of autism.
On this regard we are sure we made the right thing by funding Eur 10.000 as a financial support to educational therapies for about ten autisic children. The funding is perinent to year 2018 and for families with autistic children living in the VCO area.
For privacy reason we will not post any name or image of the beneficiary ( children and relatives), still for sake of clarity we inform that the funding will not be transferred to the beneficiary family but paid directly to the professional theraphists.